GoodSync Reference Manual

Siber Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2009 - 2024

GoodSync Manual

A printable version is available in PDF.

Applies to both GoodSync for Windows and GoodSync for Mac unless noted otherwise.


This document is intended to serve as a guide for advanced GoodSync users who are utilizing the many powerful and customizable features of GoodSync.

As this is a Reference Manual, it is not meant for a new GoodSync user. GoodSync provides friendly instructional information during installation. Most users will be able to start syncing data immediately without needing to reference this document.

For those seeking guidance on getting started with GoodSync, check out the overview of how GoodSync works and the GoodSync Tutorial.


What is GoodSync?

GoodSync is a software application that is used for data synchronization and backup purposes. It allows synchronizing files and folders between different devices or locations, ensuring the data is up-to-date and consistent across all of them.

That is, GoodSync makes sure that folders and all files in synchronizing folders are the same by copying the new or updated files from the folder where they appeared to the folder where they are old or not present and by propagating deletions.

In this chapter, we discuss challenges that synchronization programs face and that GoodSync successfully addresses.

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Backup vs. Synchronization

Synchronization ensures that two folders remain in sync while a user may change files on both sides. That is achieved by copying changes made on the Left side to the Right side, and changes made on the Right side are copied to the Left side.

Backup is one-way synchronization. That is, the changes made on the Left side are propagated to the right side, but changes made on the Right side are not propagated to the Left side.

GoodSync one-way Jobs enforce the backup scenario.

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Why Synchronization is not trivial

The synchronization task would appear to be trivial (compare file modification files and let the newer file win) if it was not for deletions that need to be propagated. If a file gets deleted on one side, GoodSync will propagate this deletion to the other side of the sync Job by deleting this file on the other side. The sophistication of the GoodSync algorithm allows us to propagate deletions correctly through multiple chained folders.

Another complication is that the user may decide to replace the newer version of the file with its older version. GoodSync can handle this situation correctly. It will propagate the older file version if it detects that the user made such a replacement.

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Chained Synchronization

Chained syncing is a process when the contents of several folders (e.g., A, B, C, and D) are synchronized by performing synchronization of pairs in a sequence that results in propagation of changes (e.g., sync A and B, then B and C, then C and D results in changes in A propagating to folder B, then C, then D).

GoodSync can perform chained synchronization correctly.

One can use GoodSync chains to synchronize files between computers that are not connected.

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Embedded Jobs

Several Jobs can synchronize one folder with many other folders. Furthermore, additional Jobs can synchronize subfolders or super-folders of this folder. GoodSync accurately records file changes in the states of all affected folders.

For example, consider a folder named "C:\Work\Project" that contains a project whose files change often. Within "C:\Work," there are other projects that experience fewer modifications.

One Job, "Project to Server," synchronizes project files with an SFTP server daily. From this server, team members synchronize the files further.

Another Job, "Work to PortHD," backs up the entire contents of the "C:\Work" folder to a portable hard drive weekly.

GoodSync ensures that all changes made by the "Project to Server" Job are reflected in the "Work to PortHD" Job and vice versa.

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GoodSync Account

To access all the features and benefits offered by GoodSync, obtaining a GoodSync Account is necessary. GoodSync Account serves as a universal access point across the range of GoodSync products.

These features and possibilities are described later in this Manual.

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GoodSync Account creation and setup

The above options within the GoodSync application will also allow one to log in with an existing GoodSync Account, enroll the device to it, and assign that device a license.

Using GoodSync Account Setup, the GoodSync Account employed on this computer can be changed at any time.

The GoodSync Account Setup dialog is covered further in the Installation chapter.

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Getting started with GoodSync


Refer to the corresponding Help Center articles for comprehensive instructions on installing GoodSync on various platforms:

Installing GoodSync on Windows
Installing GoodSync on Mac
Installing GoodSync on Linux
Installing GoodSync on NAS
Installing GoodSync on Android/iOS

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Synchronization step-by-step

    Typical GoodSync user experience consists of these stages:
  1. Create a Job and select sync folders:
    • The user selects the Left and Right folders to synchronize.
    • That is done only once when the Job is initially set up.
  2. Comparative Analysis:
    • Happens when the user clicks the "Analyze" button.
    • GoodSync computes the changes that must be made to make folders the same.
  3. Review proposed actions:
    • The results of the analysis are presented to the user in the form of a file/folder tree.
    • Left or right arrows point in the direction of the file copy. The circle in the middle means Do Not Copy, i.e., the items are equal.
    • Crossed Arrow means Propagate Deletion. For instance, the left-to-right Crossed Arrow means that GoodSync detected the deletion of a file on the Left side, and it wants to propagate it to the Right side.
    • The current effective direction is indicated by an arrow or circle being green and thick.
    • Other possible directions are indicated with gray and disabled arrows or the circle.
    • The user can change the direction of Sync by clicking on the desired arrow.
  4. Synchronization:
    • Happens when the user clicks the "Sync" button.
    • File actions proposed in Analysis and possibly changed by the user are applied to actual files.
    • After Synchronization, folders and all files in them become the same.

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Backup files incrementally: One-Way Sync

    Backup is essentially a one-way synchronization process. It only transfers changed files and file deletions to the backup folder. Here's how to set up a backup:
  1. Start by creating an empty backup destination folder. It can be on a removable disk (such as a USB drive or portable hard drive), another computer, or a remote server.
  2. Allow GoodSync to perform the initial backup by synchronizing the backup source folder with the backup destination folder.
  3. Going forward, when the necessity arises to back up the files, simply sync the backup source folder with the backup destination folder.
  4. In the event of file restoration, the backup destination folder will contain an exact copy of the backup source folder as of the last backup.
  5. To ensure that the backup always occurs in one direction (from the original folder to the backup folder and never the other way around), navigate to "Jobs" >> "Options" and choose the "1-way" Job Type.

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The actual GoodSync synchronization algorithm is complex and contains several important inventions and trade secrets that cannot be disclosed here.

    This is a general outline of the algorithm:
  1. Compute the difference between the current file state and the stored file state for the Left folder.
  2. Compute the difference between the current file state and the stored file state for the Right folder.
  3. Propagate changes that appeared on the Left to the Right side.
  4. Propagate changes that appeared on the Right to the Left.
  5. If the change happens to the same file on both sides, declare a Conflict.

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Using GoodSync


A "Job" serves as the fundamental operational unit within GoodSync.

GoodSync retains a record of Jobs along with all their associated settings for each computer. Jobs can be established, removed, renamed, assessed, and synchronized.

To switch between Jobs, click the Job in the Job List on the left.

To initiate the execution of a Job, click on the "Analyze" button located in the Toolbar or choose "Job" >> "Analyze" from the menu.

After the Analysis, the tree of difference between the Left and Right folders will be shown. Examine it and click the arrow buttons near the center column to change direction if needed.

To apply the changes, click the "Sync" button in the Toolbar or select "Job" >> "Sync" The sync process will propagate the changes detected from the Analysis and revised by the user.

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Job selection

All Job commands can be applied to several selected Jobs.

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Job Templates

A Job Template is an incomplete Job, usually with the Right folder not set. Its purpose is to preserve a favorite set of Job options as a Template for easily creating other Jobs.

To create a Template from a Job, select the Job from the Jobs list and select "Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Save as Template."

To create a new Job from a saved Template, select "Job" >> "New." In the New Job dialog, select the "From Template" option. Then select the Template from which the Job should be created.

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Several Jobs can be grouped together.

All Jobs in a Group can be started or stopped with a single command.

To create a new Group, click the "New Group" button.

To switch between Groups, click the Group in the Group Tree View on the left.

To delete the current Group, select it, then select "Job" >> "Delete."

To rename the current Group, select it, then select "Job" >> "Rename."

To add a Job to a Group, right-click the Job, and in the Groups sub-menu select a Group to which the Job will be added.

If a Job is checked in the Groups sub-menu, then selecting it will remove it from the Group.

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User Interface overview

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Job Tree and Job List

Jobs and Groups form a two-level Job Tree. It is shown by default.

Job Tree and Job List

Jobs can be dragged and dropped between Groups.

Click the "More" button in the Job Tree view to switch to the Job List view.

Job Tree and Job List

Jobs can be organized by any of these columns simply by clicking on the header of the desired column. There is the flexibility to sort them either in ascending or descending order.

Sorting by Left/Right folders facilitates the grouping of files by source (Left) or destination (Right) folder, providing an easy way to identify which Jobs are associated with a specific folder.

Initially, Jobs are sorted by Job Name. If manual sorting of Jobs is desired, go to "Tools" >> "Program Options" (or "GoodSync" >> "Preferences" on Mac), disable the "Sort job names by alphabet" setting, and then restart GoodSync.

A better idea for forcing preferred order would be to give the Job Name a numeric prefix, as in "01 - Work File to NAS" or "02 - Photos to Dropbox."

To switch back to the Job Tree view, click the "Less" button.

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Sync Tree

The Sync Tree is one of the main elements of the GoodSync User Interface. It shows the Analyze results and the actions proposed by GoodSync in the Analyze and provides controls for setting the user-desired actions.

Sync Tree

See the Actions chapter for a detailed explanation of each possible action.

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The Toolbar provides quick access to the most frequently used GoodSync commands.


Browse dialog

The Browse dialog is employed for selecting the Left and Right synchronization folders. It is displayed upon clicking the "Please click here to select folders" button on either the Left or Right side of the Toolbar.

Browse dialog

The Browse dialog facilitates the input of credentials (such as UserId and Password), enables folder navigation on the server post-login, and allows for the selection of the folder to be synchronized.

Select Multiple Folders

When in the Browse dialog, multiple folders can be selected for backup or sync.

After selecting the Left and Right Folders at the root level, an option for Multiple Folders/Files will appear on the top right.

Multiple folder selection is turned into Include and Exclude Filters that enforce copying only the selected folders. To understand what the result of multiple-folder selection is, look into what Left and Right Folders are and into "Job" >> "Options" >> "Filters."

Check the "Show Files and Links" ("Show Files" on Mac) box to include and exclude individual files in the folders.

Multiple folders can be selected for synchronization only on one side of the Job (typically the Left side). On the other side of the Job (usually the Right side), the folder corresponding to the Longest Common Ancestor of all the selected folders on the Left side is chosen.

Only in a 1-way Right to Left Job, multiple folders are selected on the Right (source side), along with a destination folder on the Left (destination side). In all other types of Jobs, multiple folders are selected on the Left, along with a destination folder on the Right.

Example: 2-way Job:

On the Left side, select multiple folders:
~User Name\Documents\My RoboForm Data\Default Profile
~User Name\Documents\Outlook Files
~User Name\Documents\TaxACT 2021

On the Right side, Browse to the folder:

This will result in these pairs of folders being synced:

~User Name\Documents\My RoboForm Data\Default Profile - gdrive:// RoboForm Data/Default Profile

~User Name\Documents\Outlook Files - gdrive:// Files

~User Name\Documents\TaxACT 2021 - gdrive:// 2021

NOTE: Having multiple folders from different disks in one Job is not possible, as it would require their common parent to be above the disk level. To sync or back up folders on another disk, create another Job.

Icon Descriptions

In the table below, descriptions for Action icons, Job Status icons, and other icons encountered while using the GoodSync application can be found.

File Actions  
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconProposed action: The file will be copied to the Right side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconUser-overridden action: The file will be copied to the Right side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconProposed action: The file will be deleted on the Right side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconUser-overridden action: The file will be deleted on the Right side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconUser-overridden action: The file is not present on the Left side, and will be deleted on the Right side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconProposed action: The file will be copied to the Left side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconUser-overridden action: The file will be copied to the Left side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconProposed action: The file will be deleted on the Left side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconUser-overridden action: The file will be deleted on the Left side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconUser-overridden action: The file is not present on the Right side, and will be deleted on the Left side
Folder Actions  
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconThe folder will be created on the Right side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconThe folder will be created on the Left side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconThe folder will be deleted on the Right side
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconThe folder will be deleted on the Left side
Special Actions  
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconCopy the time stamp but not the file itself from the Left to the Right side (Copy Time L to R command)
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconCopy the time stamp but not the file itself from the Right to the Left side (Copy Time R to L command)
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconCopy the file name case but not the file itself from the Left to the Right side (Name Case L to R command)
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconCopy the time stamp but not the file itself from the Right to the Left side (Copy Time R to L command)
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconCopy the internal GoodSync file state from the Left to the Right side (Copy State L to R command)
GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface icon GoodSync image showing interface iconCopy the internal GoodSync file state from the Right to the Left side (Copy State R to L command)
Central Column  
GoodSync image showing interface iconItem is in sync.
GoodSync image showing interface iconThe user set this item action to Do Not Copy
GoodSync image showing interface iconItems on the Left and Right sides are the same but their internal GoodSync state differs. See the Status column for the explanation
GoodSync image showing interface iconItem is excluded. See the Status column for exclusion reason
GoodSync image showing interface iconConflict. GoodSync can not decide how to sync this item, likely because the item was modified on both sides. See the Status column for details
GoodSync image showing interface iconError. GoodSync can not sync this item. See the Status column for the explanation
GoodSync image showing interface iconItem is currently synchronizing
Job Status  
GoodSync image showing interface iconBackup Job is not analyzed
GoodSync image showing interface iconBackup Job is in progress
GoodSync image showing interface iconSync Job is not analyzed
GoodSync image showing interface iconSync Job is in progress
GoodSync image showing interface iconJob is waiting to start
GoodSync image showing interface iconJob has been paused during analysis or sync
GoodSync image showing interface iconJob has been stopped during analysis or sync
GoodSync image showing interface iconJob is being analyzed
GoodSync image showing interface iconJob analysis has been completed, ready to synchronize
GoodSync image showing interface iconUser-overridden actions are being applied in this Job
GoodSync image showing interface iconJob has user-overridden actions, ready to synchronize
GoodSync image showing interface iconJob has finished synchronizing, all items are in sync
GoodSync image showing interface iconUser attention is required after analysis or synchronization has been completed
GoodSync image showing interface iconError starting the Job
Job Direction  
GoodSync image showing interface iconTwo-way job
GoodSync image showing interface iconOne-way Left to Right Job (backup)
GoodSync image showing interface iconOne-way Right to Left Job (backup)

Server Accounts and Account Sync

What happens when several Jobs reference the same sync folder and server credentials are changed in one Job? It would be nice if changed credentials were automatically used in all other Jobs that refer to this folder without changing them manually in each Job.

Another nice thing to have would be sticky Folder Options. So, if the encryption password for a folder changes in one Job, it would automatically be changed in all Jobs that refer to the same folder.

Server Account Manager achieves both of these goals.

Jobs do not store Server Account credentials directly. Instead, each Job references the Server Account for its Left and Right side by Server Account Key.

A Server Account contains the address of an online folder and the credentials needed to access it. When the credentials of the Server Account change, each Job gets the changed credentials automatically.

By default, GoodSync retains a local copy of Server Accounts. A list of Accounts for a File System becomes visible when the File System is selected in the Browse dialog.

Utilize the Account Sync feature to secure backups of all Jobs, Groups, Options, and Server Accounts to the GoodSync Account. These backups will be synchronized across all devices connected to the Account, eliminating the need to configure them individually on each device.

To turn on Account Sync, press the "Account Sync" button on the Toolbar to switch it to the "ON" state or use the "Tools" >> "Account Sync Auto" ("GoodSync" >> "Account Sync Auto" on Mac) menu item.

The "Tools" >> "Account Sync Once" ("GoodSync" >> "Account Sync Once" on Mac) command will perform this action once without having to leave the "Account Sync ON" enabled.

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GoodSync Connect

GoodSync Connect allows direct, fast, and secure peer-to-peer (P2P) data transfer between all devices, including servers, NAS, and mobile.

Refer to the GoodSync Connect Manual to learn about GoodSync Connect and GoodSync Server.

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GoodSync Storage

GoodSync Cloud Storage is GoodSync's proprietary cloud storage.

It offers the fastest, safest, and most affordable way to securely and easily backup and restore data from any device directly from the GoodSync interface.

Refer to this Help Center section for the instructions on how to claim and use GoodSync Storage.

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Each Action gets an icon in the 3 central columns of the Sync Tree.

See the Icon Descriptions chapter for the detailed list of Action icons.

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Copy File action

This is the most fundamental action of GoodSync. It copies a file from Left to Right or from Right to Left.

Copy of a file deleted on the Left from Left to Right means that this file will be deleted on the Right.

Copy of a file deleted on the Right from Right to Left means that this file will be deleted on the Left.

That is, the Copy File action of a deleted file simply propagates a deletion.

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Copy Time / Attributes action

If a file has the same length on the Left and Right sides but the modification time is not the same, then the Copy File action offered by GoodSync can be turned into a Copy Time action.

Copy Time action copies file modification time from Left to Right or from Right to Left, but not file contents.

A recommended way of applying it is to select "View" >> "SameLength DiffTime." That will show all files having the same length but different file times.

If it is believed that these files are the same, right-click any of the files and choose either "Copy Time L to R" or "Copy Time R to L." Alternatively, by right-clicking the folder, "Copy File" can be changed to "Copy Time" for all applicable files in the folder.

NOTE: See Help Center: Resolving time-based conflicts.

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Copy Name Case action

If the files on the Left and Right differ only by the case of file names, then this action is used to propagate name case change.

This action can be overridden by right-clicking the file and selecting "Name Case L to R" or "Name Case R to L" or by using the corresponding item of the "Action" menu.

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Sync State action

If the file is the same on the left and right side of the sync but the stored state of the file is not the same, then GoodSync would recommend a special Sync State action for such files.

The results of the Analyze step will indicate whether a Sync State operation will be required if deemed necessary.

The direction of the Sync State action cannot be altered, as it is a non-directional action.

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Do Not Copy action

This action tells GoodSync not to do anything for this pair of files because the files are the same on both sides.

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Error action

The file or folder cannot be read, see the status area for details.

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Conflict action

If a file is changed on both sides of the synchronized folder pair, then GoodSync cannot determine which version is preferred (because it does not know which set of changes should win and which should be dropped), and GoodSync then declares a Conflict.

By default, Conflict is a Do Not Copy action. But the Conflict can be altered to Left To Right or Right To Left Copy, thus declaring one side a winner.

Types of Conflicts

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By default, GoodSync synchronizes all files and folders that are not hidden and are not system. Hidden and system files can be synchronized if the option to exclude them is turned off.

To review and configure the Filters, use the "Job" >> "Options" menu item, or right-click a Job and select "Options," and switch to the "Filters" tab.

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Exclude Filters (empty by default)

Files and folders that match an Exclusion Filter will be excluded from synchronization.

For instance, object files *.OBJ and editor backup files *.BAK are usually excluded.

NOTE: By design, Exclusions will take priority over Inclusions.

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Include Filters (empty by default)

Files and folders whose names match an Inclusion Filter - and do not match any Exclusion Filters - are included in the synchronization.

Include Filters are applied before the Exclude Filters. An Include Filter with no lines includes everything. That is, it is effectively ignored.

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Adding Filters from the Context Menu after Analyze

These commands add a line to the list of Exclusions/Inclusions in "Jobs" >> "Options" >> "Filters."

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Preset Exclude Filters

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Copying and pasting Filters

Use the "Copy All" and "Paste" buttons to copy and paste Filters between the Include and Exclude sections and between Jobs.

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Filter syntax and parameters


* matches any sequence of characters.
? matches an arbitrary single character.
[a-z] matches a range of characters, such as a to z.
\c matches the character "c." Use it when the character to match is * or ? or [.
/ separates folders (do not use \ as folder separator, not even in Windows).

path /folder/file

A line that starts with "path /" (or just "/") matches the file or folder path (relative to the sync folder) to a specified wildcard or string.

path /folder1/file2.ext - matches file by its path.
path /Parent* - matches all paths whose top-level folder is "Parent."
path /[a-z0-9]* - matches all paths whose top-level folders start with characters "a" to "z" or "0" to "9".
path /\[Originals\] - matches all paths whose top-level folder is "[Originals]."

NOTE: An Include Filter "path /folder" includes only the /folder itself, but not the files inside. To include files inside this folder, write this clause as "path /folder/*".

name filename/foldername

A line that starts with "name" matches the file or folder name (last object of the path) to a specified wildcard or string.

name *.xls - Excel files.
name *kiss* - files or folders that contain "kiss" in their name.
name *.??? - all files and folders with a 3-character extension.
name *.[a-z][a-z][a-z] - all files and folders with 3-letter extension.
name \[Originals\] - matches all files and folders named "[Originals]."

*** Lines that start with "any size" or "all size" allow exclusion/inclusion of files by file size:

any size<N
means size.left<N OR size.right<N

all size<N
means size.left<N AND size.right<N

any size>N
means size.left>N OR size.right>N

all size>N
means size.left>N AND size.right>N

any size=N
means size.left=N OR size.right=N

all size=N
means size.left=N AND size.right=N

any size!=N
means size.left!=N OR size.right!=N

all size!=N
means size.left!=N AND size.right!=N

any size>=N
means size.left>=N OR size.right>=N

all size>=N< br>means size.left>=N AND size.right>=N

any size<=N
means size.left<=N OR size.right<=N

all size<=N
means size.left<=N AND size.right<=N

any size[S1,S2]
means S1 <= size.left < S2 OR S1 <= size.right < S2

all size[S1,S2]
means S1 <= size.left < S2 AND S1 <= size.right < S2

Size constant can be a number of bytes, or include suffixes:
K = kilobytes
M = megabytes

No spaces are allowed in the "size" match line.
The size of non-file items (folder, link, deleted or not-present file) is considered to be 0 for "size" comparisons.

all size>=100 - files on both sides that contain 100 bytes or more.
any size<2K - files that contain less than 2,048 (1K = 1024) bytes on either the left or right side, links, and deleted files are OK too.
all size=3M - files that contain exactly 3,145,728 bytes (1M = 1024 * 1024) bytes on both sides.

*** Lines that start with "any time" or "all time" allow exclusion/inclusion of files by modification date:

any time<T
means time.left<T OR time.right<T

all time<T
means time.left<T AND time.right<T

any time>T
means time.left>T OR time.right>T

all time>T
means time.left>T AND time.right>T

any time=T
means time.left=T OR time.right=T

all time=T
means time.left=T AND time.right=T

any time!=T
means time.left!=T OR time.right!=T

all time!=T
means time.left!=T AND time.right!=T

any time>=T
means time.left>=T OR time.right>=T

all time>=T
means time.left>=T AND time.right>=T

any time<=T
means time.left<=T OR time.right<=T

all time<=T
means time.left<=T AND time.right<=T

any time[S1,S2]
means S1 <= time.left <= S2 OR S1 <= time.right <= S2

all time[S1,S2]
means S1 <= time.left <= S2 AND S1 <= time.right <= S2

Where T is a date in one of these formats:

YYYY/MM/DD - year/month/day
-Nd - N days ago
+Nd - N days in the future
-Nh - N hours ago
+Nh - N hours in the future
-Nm - N minutes ago
+Nm - N minutes in the future

No spaces are allowed in the "time" match line.
Only existing (not deleted) files are meant to take part in "time" comparisons.
The modification time of non-file objects (folders, links, deleted files) is NullTime (Jan 1, 1970).

any time>=2008/7/4 - files modified at 00:00 on July 4, 2008, or later on either side.
all time<-5d - files older than 5 days ago on both sides.
time>=+7d - files modified 7 days in the future or later on either side

*** Lines that start with "is" match file and folder attributes:

matches a folder

matches a file

matches symbolic link or junction

matches files and folders with a hidden attribute

matches files and folders with a system attribute (Windows only)

matches files and folders with an archive attribute (Windows only)

matches files and folders with a read-only attribute (Windows only)

matches files and folders with an offline attribute (Windows only)

matches files and folders with a compressed attribute (Windows only)

matches files and folders with an encrypted attribute (Windows only, EFS encryption)

*** Lines that start with "exist" match facts of the presence and absence of files and folders.

file or folder exists both on the Left and Right side

file or folder exists on the Left, Right side, or both sides

file or folder exists only on one side

Any and All qualifiers

When file modification times differ between Left and Right, "any" or "all" qualifiers must be used to achieve the desired result.

Example: Exclude Filter "time<-30d" is true for all files where "left time < tNow - 30d OR right time < tNow - 30d."

So, if the goal is to Exclude all files older than 30 days on both sides, utilize an Exclude line such as "all time<-30d," which is equivalent to "left time < tNow - 30d AND right time < tNow - 30d".

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Filter composition

There is an implicit OR between the lines of the Filters.

Each line can contain more than one clause separated by a semicolon ";". There is an implicit AND between clauses in the line.

    ishidden; name *.bak; all time <-60d
    all size<1k
matches hidden files with a .BAK extension older than 60 days on both sides or files whose size is less than 1024 bytes on both sides.

If both Exclude and Include Filters are specified, then the Include Filter is used first, then the Exclude Filter is applied to the Include results.

More specifically, an Exclude Filter of
and an Include Filter of
computes as
    (IncludeLine1 OR IncludeLine2 OR IncludeLine3) AND
    NOT (ExcludeLine1 OR ExcludeLine2 OR ExcludeLine3)

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Absolute Paths Only match

If all lines in the Include Filter are absolute path matches ("/folder" or "path /folder"), then Absolute Paths Only match is applied, so only paths that match Filter lines are included.

If any Include line contains a non-path match ("name pattern," "time -Nd," "size N," etc.), then all folders are included in the match so that files inside these folders can be matched against non-path Filters.

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Commands and Keyboard Shortcuts

This chapter describes GoodSync commands that may be triggered by clicking buttons and selecting menu items.

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Job commands

"Analyze" button or "Job" >> "Analyze"    Alt+A, F5    âŒ˜+A
Analyze this Job. Show proposed changes.
Files are considered the same if their size and modification time are the same.

"Sync" button or "Job" >> "Synchronize"    Alt+S, F7    âŒ˜S
Synchronize this Job.
Execute (commit) changes that Analyze has proposed.

"Job" >> "Analyze and Sync"    Alt+Y, F9    âŒ˜Y
Analyze and then Sync this Job.

"Stop" button or "Job" >> "Stop"    Alt+T, ESC    âŽ‹
Stop Analysis or Synchronization of this Job. Sync can be continued after Stop, Analyze will run anew after Stop.

"Clear Tree" button or "Job" >> "Clear"    ESC    âŽ‹
In an already stopped Job, this command clears the Sync Tree, thus saving memory.

"Pause" / "Resume" button or "Job" >> "Pause" / "Resume"    Alt+Z    âŒ¥Z
Pause / Resume Analysis or Synchronization in this Job.

"Job" >> "Options"    Alt+O    âŒ˜O
Show Options dialog for this Job.

"Job" >> "Logs On Left Side"    Alt+L
Open the log file browser for the Left folder for this Job.
Logs record all actions done by all GoodSync Jobs to this folder and its sub-folders.

"Job" >> "Logs on Right Side"    Alt+R
Open the log file browser for the Right folder for this Job.
Logs record all actions done by all GoodSync Jobs to this folder and its sub-folders.

"Job" >> "Groups"
Add (or Remove) this Job to/from one of the groups listed in the sub-menu.

"Job" >> (Select Listed Group)
If the Group is unchecked in the menu, add the current Job to the selected Group.
If the Group is checked in the menu, remove the current Job from the selected Group.

"Job" >> "New"    Alt+N    âŒ˜N
Create a New Job.
The first Job, named "Job1," is created automatically when GoodSync is run for the first time.

"Job" >> "Delete"    Alt+D, DEL    âŒ˜D
Delete current Job.

"Job" >> "Rename"    F2    âŒ˜â†©
Rename current Job.

"Job" >> "Clone"    Alt+C    âŒ¥C
Clone current Job.
That is, create a new Job with a different name that is a copy of this Job.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Swap Job Sides"    Alt+W    âŒƒW
Swap the Left and Right folders in this Job.

"Job" >> "Save as Template"
Save this Job as a template. Templates may be used when creating a New Job.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Analyze: Compare CheckSums"    Alt+M
Analyze: Compare CheckSums.
Files are considered the same if their MD5 checksums are the same.
File Systems on the Left and Right must support MD5 computation for this to work.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Analyze: Compare Bodies"    Alt+B    âŒ˜B
Analyze: Compare Bodies.
Files are considered to be the same if their bodies are the same.
Files from remote File Systems will be downloaded, so this will run slowly.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "List of Changes"    Alt+I    (Windows only)
Show a printable list of changes.
Works after Analyze, when changes become available.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Delete State Files"
Delete the GoodSync state files on both sides of this Job.
Causes GoodSync to forget state and history info that GoodSync collected on files in the sync folders, such as which files were deleted and when.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Delete Recycled & History Folders"
Delete the recycled files located in the folder _gsdata_\_saved_ and history files located in the folder _gsdata_\_history_.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Delete _gsdata_ Folders"
Delete the GoodSync _gsdata_ folder and all files contained in it on both sides of this Job.
Removes everything removed by "Delete Recycled & History Folders" and "Delete State Files," plus all Job log files.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Cleanup Recycled & History Folders"
Clean up the Recycle Bin or history: delete files older than the prescribed time (one month by default).
The time to keep the Recycle Bin files is specified in "Job" >> "Options" >> "General" >> "Clean _saved_/_history_ folder after this many days."

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Left trash bin"    (Mac only)
Open the Recycle Bin folder location for the Left side of this Job in Finder.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Right trash bin"    (Mac only)
Open the Recycle Bin folder location for the Right side of this Job in Finder.

"Job" >> "Advanced" >> "Make gsdata invisible"    (Mac only)
Make the _gsdata_ folder invisible in Finder on both sides of this Job.

"Job" >> "Exit"    Alt+X, Alt+F4    (Windows only)
Exit GoodSync.

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All commands

These commands control All Jobs.

"All" >> "Analyze All"    F6
Analyze all Jobs.

"All" >> "Synchronize All"    F8
Synchronize all analyzed Jobs.

"All" >> "Analyze and Sync All"    F10
For all Jobs: Analyze and then Sync each Job.

"All" >> "Stop All"
Stop analysis or synchronization for all running Jobs.

"All" >> "Auto Run ON/OFF"    F4
If checked, temporarily disable the starting of Jobs by Auto Options.
Jobs that have been started already, will continue to run.
If unchecked, then AutoRun is enabled.

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View commands

"View" >> "Full Mode"
View the full GoodSync User Interface. Default view.

"View" >> "Mini Mode"    (Windows only)
View GoodSync in Mini Mode.
A small window is shown that displays the status of active Jobs.

"View" >> "Tray Icon"
GoodSync is represented only by the System Tray (Menu Bar on Mac) icon.
This mode is used for background operations.

"View" >> "Job Groups" / "Job Table"    âŒ˜1 / ⌘2    (Mac only)
Switch between the Job Tree and Job List panes.

"View" >> "Filters"    (Windows only)
Show/Hide the Filters pane. Not shown by default.
It shows all Exclude and Include Filters for this Job.

"View" >> "Log"
Show/Hide the Log pane. Shown by default.
It shows an automatically scrolled log for this Job.

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Sync Tree Projection View commands

These commands are enabled following the Job Analyze step.

These are also available by clicking the "Views" button ("Others" button on Mac) in the Analyze results.

"All" button or "View" >> "All"
Shows All live files and folders, that is, items not deleted on both sides.

"Changes" button or "View" >> "Changes"    Alt+G
Show Changes, that is, only files and folders that are different and to which the Copy File command will be applied.

"Conflicts" button or "View" >> "Conflicts"    Alt+F
Show Conflicts, that is, files that were changed on both sides of the Job.

"Errors" button or "View" >> "Errors"    Alt+E
Shows Errors that occurred during Analyze or Sync.
Errors are not Conflicts, they originate from the File System. Example: file is locked, and GoodSync cannot drill into a folder.

"View" >> "Included" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Included" (Mac)
Show files and folders included in Analyze.
That is, not excluded by the Exclude/Include Filters.

"View" >> "Excluded" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Excluded" (Mac)
Show files and folders excluded by the Exclude/Include Filters.

"View" >> "Create" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Create" (Mac)
Show files and folders that will be created.
That is, files and folders that exist on one side and do not exist on the other side and copy action will copy them to this other side.

"View" >> "Overwrite" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Overwrite" (Mac)
Show files that will be overwritten.
That is, files that exist on both sides and copy action will copy files from one side to another.

"View" >> "Delete" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Delete" (Mac)
Show files and folders that will be deleted.
That is, files and folders that exist on one side and do not exist on the other side, and Copy Action will delete them on the other side.

"View" >> "Copy Left to Right" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Copy Left to Right" (Mac)
Show files that will be copied from Left to Right by the Copy File action.

"View" >> "Copy Right to Left" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Copy Right to Left" (Mac)
Show files that will be copied from Right to Left by the Copy File action.

"View" >> "Delete on Right" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Delete on Right" (Mac)
Show files and folders that will be deleted on the Right side.

"View" >> "Delete on Left" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Delete on Left" (Mac)
Show files and folders that will be deleted on the Left side.

"View" >> "Rename/Move on Right" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Rename/Move on Right" (Mac)
Show files and folders that will be renamed/moved on the Right side.

"View" >> "Rename/Move on Left" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Rename/Move on Left" (Mac)
Show files and folders that will be renamed/moved on the Left side.

"View" >> "Copy Time L to R" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Copy Time L to R" (Mac)
Show files whose modification time will be copied from Left to Right by the Copy Time action.

"View" >> "Copy Time R to L" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Copy Time R to L" (Mac)
Show files whose modification time will be copied from Right to Left by the Copy Time action.

"View" >> "Name Case L to R" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Name Case L to R" (Mac)
Show files whose name case will be copied from Left to Right by the Copy Name Case action.

"View" >> "Name Case R to L" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Name Case R to L" (Mac)
Show files whose name case will be copied from Right to Left by the Copy Name Case action.

"View" >> "Sync State" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Sync State" (Mac)
Show files whose states will be synced without copying the files themselves.

"View" >> "SameLength DiffTime" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "SameLength DiffTime" (Mac)
Show files that exist on both sides and have the same length but different modification times.
These are candidates for the Copy Time action if it is believed that the files are actually the same.

"View" >> "Countable Changes" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "Countable Changes" (Mac)
Show all changes counted only once.
This will not show file renames caused by parent folder renames.

"View" >> "File To Sync" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "File To Sync" (Mac)
Show only files whose bodies will be synced.

"View" >> "All To Sync" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "All To Sync" (Mac)
Show files whose bodies and states will be synced.

"View" >> "All Live + Dead" (Windows)
"View" >> "Views" >> "All Live + Dead" (Mac)
Show both existing files and files that were previously deleted.

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Sync Tree Node Expand commands

These commands are enabled once the Job is Analyzed and a node (file or folder) in the Sync Tree is clicked.

These commands are available through keyboard shortcuts and are standard for Windows trees.

"Gray +" means the "+" key on the numeric keypad.

Gray +
Open one level of the tree. The focus must be on the node to open.

Gray -
Close one level of the tree. The focus must be on the node to close.

Gray *
Open all levels of the tree starting from here. The focus must be on the node to open.

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Sync Tree Node Action commands

These commands are enabled once the Job is Analyzed and a node (file or folder) in the Sync Tree is clicked.

All Action commands are also available from the node context menu.

"Action" >> "Open Left Files / Folders"
Open the file/folder on the Left using Windows Explorer (Finder on Mac).
GoodSync Explorer will be used to open remote folders.

"Action" >> "Open Right Files / Folders"
Open the file/folder on the Right using Windows Explorer (Finder on Mac).
GoodSync Explorer will be used to open remote folders.

"Action" >> "Delete Left File / Folder"
Delete the file/folder on the Left side.

"Action" >> "Delete Right File / Folder"
Delete the file/folder on the Right side.

"Action" >> "Delete Both Files / Folders"
Delete the file/folder on the Left and Right sides.

"Action" >> "Compare Files"
Compare the file on the Left to the file on the Right using compare diff-like program
defined in the "Tools" >> "Program Options" >> "File Compare" program.
It also works for local folders and will run "diff -r"' on the Left and Right folders.

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Sync Tree Node Filter commands

These commands are enabled once the Job is Analyzed and a node (file or folder) in the Sync Tree is clicked.

All Action commands are also available from the node context menu and by clicking the "File/Folder Ops" button ("Filters" button on Mac) in the Analyze results.

"Action" >> "Exclude '/...' File / Folder"
Exclude this file or folder from the Analyze results.
File or folder will be excluded by its exact path.

"Action" >> "Exclude All '...' Files / Folders"
Exclude all files or folders that have the same name as this file (folder), no matter what folders inside sync folders these files are located.

"Action" >> "Exclude All '*.ext' Files"
Exclude all files that have the extension .ext, in all folders inside the sync folder.

"Action" >> "Include Only '/...' File / Folder"
Include this file or folder in the Analyze results. File or folder will be included by its exact path.
If one or more Include Filters are defined, then only files and folders Included in this way will be Analyzed, everything else will be excluded.

"Action" >> "Include Only '*.ext' Files"
Include only files having the extension .ext, in all folders inside the sync folder.

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Sync Tree Node Direction Change commands

These commands are enabled once the Job is Analyzed and a node (file or folder) in the Sync Tree is clicked.

All Action commands are also available from the node context menu and by clicking "File/Folder Ops" >> "Change Direction to" ("Directions" button on Mac) in the Analyze results.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "As Recommended" (Windows)
"Action" >> "As Recommended" (Mac)
Set Action to what was recommended by Analyze.
Enabled only after the actions proposed by Analyze are altered.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Copy Left to Right" (Windows)
"Action" >> "Copy Left to Right" (Mac)
Set the Action to Copy File Left to Right.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Copy Right to Left" (Windows)
"Action" >> "Copy Right to Left" (Mac)
Set the Action to Copy File Right to Left.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Do Not Copy" (Windows)
"Action" >> "Do Not Copy" (Mac)
Set the Action to Do Not Copy.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Copy Time L to R" (Windows)
"Action" >> "Copy Time L to R" (Mac)
Set the Action to Copy Time Left to Right.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Copy Time R to L" (Windows)
"Action" >> "Copy Time R to L" (Mac)
Set the Action to Copy Time Right to Left.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Name Case L to R" (Windows only)
Set the Action to Name Case Left to Right.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Name Case R to L" (Windows only)
Set the Action to Name Case Right to Left.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Copy State L to R" (Windows only)
Set the Action to Copy State Left to Right.

"Action" >> "Change Direction to" >> "Copy State R to L" (Windows only)
Set the Action to Copy State Right to Left.

"Action" >> "Properties"
Show detailed information about the selected file or folder.
It helps understand how GoodSync made a sync decision for this file.

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Tools commands (Windows only)

"Tools" >> "Program Options"    Alt+P
Show the Program Options dialog.

"Tools" >> "GoodSync Account Setup"
Run the GoodSync Account Setup dialog.
It is used to enroll the computer to the GoodSync Account and set up GoodSync as a client or a server to use in P2P sync via GoodSync Connect.

"Tools" >> "GoodSync Account Manage"
Open the GoodSync Account Web UI in the default web browser.
That automatically logs the user into their Account to manage Devices, Licenses, GoodSync Storage, Account settings, and more.

"Tools" >> "Runner Service Setup"
Run the Runner Service Setup dialog.
GoodSync Runner is a Windows/Mac Service that runs Jobs that have Auto Unattended mode enabled in the Job Options.

"Tools" >> "Advanced" >> "Server Advanced Options"
Open the local GoodSync Server Web UI in the default web browser.
Learn more from the GoodSync Connect Manual.

"Tools" >> "Account Sync Auto"
Automatically sync the Jobs, Groups, Options, and Server Accounts with the GoodSync Account and other devices enrolled in it.
Learn more from the Server Accounts and Account Sync chapter.

"Tools" >> "Account Sync Once"
Sync the Jobs, Groups, Options, and Server Accounts with the GoodSync Account and other devices enrolled in it once.
Learn more from the Server Accounts and Account Sync chapter.

"Tools" >> "Export All Jobs"
Export all Jobs, Groups, and Server Accounts to a *.TIX file selected by the user.

"Tools" >> "Export Selected Jobs"
Export selected Jobs to a *.TIX file.
If only one Job is selected (current Job), then export this Job.
If a Group is selected, export all Jobs in this Group.
Also, all Server Accounts are written to the exporting *.TIX files, as they may be referred to by the exported Jobs.
A TIX file comes in a text-based format, which is used for export and import, and also can be edited.

"Tools" >> "Import Job List"
Import Jobs from a *.TIX file that was previously written by the Export command.
Imported Jobs are added to the existing Jobs.
If an imported Job has the same name as an existing Job, the import of this Job fails.

"Tools" >> "Import from Allway Sync"
Import Jobs from an Allway Sync profile. This command is intended for users migrating from Allway Sync.
GoodSync will also prompt to import Allway Sync Jobs upon installation and the first run if Allway Sync is detected in the system.

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GoodSync commands (Mac only)

The "GoodSync" command menu appears on the Menu Bar in GoodSync for Mac. It is similar to the "Tools" command menu in GoodSync for Windows.

"GoodSync" >> "About"
Show the About dialog with credits and version info.

"GoodSync" >> "Preferences"    âŒ˜,
Show the Program Options dialog.

"GoodSync" >> "GoodSync Account Setup"
Run the GoodSync Account Setup dialog.
It is used to enroll the computer to the GoodSync Account and set up GoodSync as a client or server for use in P2P sync via GoodSync Connect.

"GoodSync" >> "GoodSync Account Manage"
Open the GoodSync Account Web UI in the default web browser.
That automatically logs users into their Accounts to manage Devices, Licenses, GoodSync Storage, Account settings, and more.

"GoodSync" >> "Server Advanced Options"
Open the local GoodSync Server Web UI in the default web browser.
Learn more from the GoodSync Connect Manual.

"GoodSync" >> "Account Sync Once"
Sync the Jobs, Groups, Options, and Server Accounts with the GoodSync Account and other devices enrolled in it once.
Learn more from the Server Accounts and Account Sync chapter.

"GoodSync" >> "Account Sync Auto"
Automatically sync the Jobs, Groups, Options, and Server Accounts with the GoodSync Account and other devices enrolled in it.
Learn more from the Server Accounts and Account Sync chapter.

"GoodSync" >> "Grant Full Disk Access to GoodSync"
Run the Grant Full Disk Access dialog.
To back up Application Data (Mail, Calendars, etc.) and system-protected folders on Mac, grant GoodSync access to that data.

"GoodSync" >> "Runner Service Setup"
Run the Runner Service Setup dialog.
GoodSync Runner is a Windows/Mac Service that runs Jobs that have Auto Unattended mode enabled in the Job Options.

"GoodSync" >> "Export All Jobs"
Export all Jobs, Groups, and Server Accounts to a *.TIX file selected by the user.

"GoodSync" >> "Import Job List"
Import Jobs from a *.TIX file that was previously written by the Export command.
Imported Jobs are added to the existing Jobs.
If an imported Job has the same name as an existing Job, the import of this Job fails.

"GoodSync" >> "Check for Updates"
Check for the new GoodSync version.
GoodSync also automatically checks for its new version upon start.

"GoodSync" >> "Quit"    âŒ˜Q
Exit GoodSync.

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Help commands

"Help" >> "Manual"
Show this Manual online.

"Help" >> "FAQ"
Show Frequently Asked Questions online.

"Help" >> "Buy License" / "Renew License"
Buy/renew a GoodSync License.

"Help" >> "Activate License"
Activate the GoodSync License on this computer after a purchase.
Requires the Order ID and name as it appears in the Order.

"Help" >> "Contact Support"
Create a ZIP file that contains Job logs and other diagnostic information.
Upload this file to the GoodSync Support server and create a support ticket.

"Help" >> "Check for Updates"    (Windows only)
Check for the new GoodSync version.
GoodSync also automatically checks for its new version upon start.

"Help" >> About"    (Windows only)
Show the About dialog with credits and version info.

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File Systems: Local and Remote

GoodSync can synchronize not only disk and network shares mounted on the computer. It can also synchronize with Remote File Systems accessible through multiple online protocols such as FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, Google Drive, etc.

    The following are general steps to set up synchronization or backup from any of the file systems supported by GoodSync:
  1. Сlick the "Please click here to select folders/Change Folder" (Browse) button on the Left or Right side of the Job to select or change the sync folder. The Browse dialog appears, both for the Left and Right sides simultaneously.
  2. Click the (+) user icon right to the File System type to create a new Server Account (Address + Credentials + Options of the remote File System).
  3. In the dialog that appears, enter the remote server name or address.
    NOTE: Some File Systems, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, have only one virtual top server, so it cannot be entered.
  4. Next, enter UserID, Password, and possibly other data required for connection.
  5. Then click the "Test" button to connect to the server and test whether the provided credentials are correct.
    If the connection is successful, the home folder of the specified user or the storage root in the Remote File System is shown, and all folders above it.
  6. Navigate to the desired folder for synchronization in the folder tree. If the folder intended for synchronization doesn't exist, create it by finding its parent folder, right-clicking, and selecting "New Folder."

NOTE: Multiple Server Accounts can be present within a single File System, enabling the browsing and synchronization of various remote accounts.

Below, we provide a detailed description of the Local and Remote File Systems that GoodSync supports.

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Windows File System (Windows only)

Windows disks mounted directly on this computer, listed under "My Computer -> Local."

Official URL: file:///disk:/folder1/file2.ext, example: file:///C:/folder1/folder2
Display URL or Windows folder path: X:\folder1\files2.ext, example: C:\folder1\folder2 Plus two other naming conventions for Portable and Computer-specific paths, see below.

User folder

The User folder can be specified as part of the folder path, as follows:

Here, "UserName" is the name of the Windows user, it is translated to the full path of this user profile.

Example: on Windows 7/10/11, "~John Smith" is translated to "C:\Users\John Smith."

Hidden and System folders are not displayed when browsing the "~John Smith" folder, but they become visible when drilling down from the root folder to "C:\Users\John Smith."

Portable path

The disk can be specified by its volume name, like so:

Here, "VolumeName" is the volume name that can be set in volume properties in Windows Explorer.

Use it to designate removable volumes that can be mounted to different disk letters.

Computer-specific path

One can specify the path that works only on a designated computer, like so:

This path will only be found on a computer named "ComputerName."

Utilize computer-specific paths in GoodSync2Go when employing identical Jobs across different computers, and there is a need for certain Jobs to execute exclusively on specific computers rather than on all of them.

Music and media players

Syncing with music and media players and other media devices, which present themselves as Portable Disks through a USB Mass Storage Devices interface, is also possible. These devices will appear in the "My Computer" tab.

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Mac File System (Mac only)

Mac disks that are available directly on this computer, listed under "My Mac -> Local."
Official URL: file:///folder1/file2.ext, example: file:///Users/user/my-notes.txt
Display URL or Mac folder path: /folder1/files2.ext, example: /Users/user/my-notes.txt

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GoodSync Connect (GSTP protocol)

Remote GoodSync server, accessed via GoodSync Connect or directly, using GSTP protocol.

Credentials: GoodSync Account UserID and Password are always required.
Main GoodSync Account credentials are pre-filled as GoodSync knows them already.
Other non-main GoodSync Accounts may be added.

    Two addressing schemes of GSTP:
  1. Mediator Addressing: GoodSync servers have dynamic IP addresses tracked by GoodSync Mediator.
    URL format: gstps://server.userid.goodsync/folder1/folder2
    A secure communication (SSL) prefix gstps:// is mandatory.
    Presence of a virtual top-level domain .goodsync tells GoodSync to look up computer IP address via Mediator.

    Each GoodSync Server checks in to Mediator every 5 minutes to tell it what IP address it has now.
    If there is no direct connection from the GoodSync Client to the GoodSync Server, then an intermediate Forwarder server is used.

  2. Direct Addressing: IP name or IP address of the server is specified, resolved using traditional DNS.
    URL format: gstps://[:port]/folder1/folder2
    A plain-text prefix gstp:// may be used but not recommended.
    Examples: gstp:// or gstps://
    Learn more about GoodSync Connect from the GoodSync Connect Manual.
    In Direct Addressing Mediator and Forwarders are not used, connecting Client to Server is your responsibility.
Direct Server Address

Specify GSTP Server IP name or address here, when in Direct Addressing mode.
In Direct Addressing one GSTP Server Account refers only to one GSTP server.

Use plain-text protocol on direct connections

Use non-encrypted plain text version of GSTP protocol on Local Network.
Allowed only in Direct Addressing, not recommended due to low security.

Certificate File

The path to a file containing a TLS certificate private key pair in PEM format.
Use only in Direct Addressing.

Connect via Proxy set in Program Options -> Proxy

If checked, then connect via Global Proxy specified in Program Options -> Proxy.
If unchecked, then connect directly even if Global Proxy is specified in Program Options -> Proxy.

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GoodSync RealDisk Online Storage

GoodSync RealDisk (TM) Online Storage server, accessed via GoodSync Connect protocol.
URL format: gstore://storage-N.userid.goodsync/folder1/folder2

This File System has several Virtual Servers, each translated into a real Storage server via Mediator.

Credentials: GoodSync Account UserID and Password are required.
Main GoodSync Account credentials are pre-filled as GoodSync knows them already.
Other non-main GoodSync Accounts may be added.

GoodSync Storage is requested and maintained in the GoodSync Account.

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Net Shares Sib-SMB (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Windows Net Shares (remote Shares on an SMB server)
connected via Siber Systems own implementation of SMB client.
Official URL: smbd://server/share/folder1, for example: smbd://server/share/folder1
Display URL: same as official.

Sib-SMB utilizes a more effective combination of discovery protocols (comparing to Windows SMB), resulting in the detection of more SMB servers than what is displayed on the Windows Network folder.

Click (Windows Shares and Other Devices) to see list of SMB servers discovered on your Local Network.
If the desired server does not appear in the list, click "Add Unlisted Server" and enter its name or IP address.

Credentials: If a server or a share needs credentials to login, they will be requested in a popup dialog.
Enter UserID and Password of the SMB server if credentials are requested.
Going deeper into the Share, separate credentials for Share credentials may be requested.

Windows SMB saved auth: Sib-SMB client disregards auth data saved (often incorrectly) by Windows.
So each SMB server in Sib-SMB must have its credentials entered explicitly.
That results in a predictable and portable SMB client that works in the same way on all computers.

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Net Shares Win-SMB (Windows only)

Windows Net Shares (remote Shares on an SMB server) that are available through Microsoft Networking.
Official URL: smb://server/share/folder1, for example: smb://server/share/folder1
Display URL: Windows UNC path \\server\share\folder1, for example: \\server\share\folder1

Click Local Network to see list of SMB servers discovered by Windows Network discovery.
If the desired server does not appear in the list, click "Add Unlisted Server" and enter its name or IP address.

Credentials: Enter UserID and Password if requested by a popup dialog.

Share Auth Problems: After logging in to a share, Windows caches authentication data.
Therefore, if different shares on the same SMB server have different credentials, or if Share credentials have changed, Windows client may continue using originally entered credentials and they may be hard to change.

Virtual Servers: Windows SMB may show Virtual Servers that are not related to SMB protocol.
For instance, when RDC client connects to RDC server, RDC client may also export its Disk to Server
and these disks will appear as Shares in \\TSCLIENT virtual server.

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Apple Filing Protocol (AFP)

Apple remote disks that are available via AFP protocol.
Official URL: afp://server/share/folder1
Display URL: same as official

A list of available network shares is displayed, and from there, it's possible to navigate to the sync folder.
If the desired server does not appear in the list, click "Add Unlisted Server" and enter its name or IP address.

Credentials: Enter UserID and Password if the share is password-protected.

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Media Devices (MTP) (Windows only)

MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices that are usually connected via USB.
URL format: mtp://Apple_iPhone/Device/Internal Storage

The device should be physically connected to the computer.
Usually, it is a camera or a phone plugged into the USB port.

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Google Drive

Google Drive server.
Consumer, V3 API.
URL format: gdrive://

Credentials - OAuth2

Google Drive uses secure delegated access (OAuth2) authentication.
To enter credentials in the Server Account settings (Browse dialog), click "Sign In to Google."
Google will then ask in the default web browser whether to allow GoodSync to access it.
Approve it, and then GoodSync will be able to Sync with Google Drive.

Private Browser Mode: By default GoodSync calls regular default browser for OAuth2. So if you are logged in to a Google Account in this default browser, this is the Account that will be used in OAuth2. To not use logged in accounts and force a new login, use Private Browser Mode.

Google Files only

This File System shows only actual Google Drive files and not Google Docs.

For Google Docs, it shows a .url file that leads to the doc, as recommended by Google.

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Google Team Drive

Google Team Drive server.
Corporate, V3 API.
URL format: gteamdrive://

Credentials - OAuth2

Google Team Drive uses secure delegated access (OAuth2) authentication.
To enter credentials in the Server Account settings (Browse dialog), click "Sign In with Google."
Google will then ask in the default web browser whether to allow GoodSync to access it.
Approve it, and then GoodSync will be able to Sync with Google Team Drive.

Google Team Files only

This File System shows actual files from Google Team Drive and not Google Docs.

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Google Docs

Google Docs server. V3 API
URL format: gdocs3://

Credentials - OAuth2

Google Docs uses secure delegated access (OAuth2) authentication.
To enter credentials in the Server Account settings (Browse dialog), click "Sign In with Google."
Google will then ask in the default web browser whether to allow GoodSync to access it.
Approve it, and then GoodSync will be able to Sync with Google Docs.

Google Docs only

This File System shows Google Docs only, not Google Drive files.

Docs are Not Files: Google Doc is a document that exists only on Google servers (Word and Excel docs).
Google Docs cannot be Uploaded and Downloaded as an exact byte copy.
They only can be Exported and Imported to MS file formats, each time producing a slightly different result.
Google Docs File System implements Upload as Export, and Download as Import.

Also, file size is not known for Google Docs, so GoodSync shows it as (Unknown).

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Google Photos

Google Photos server.
URL format: gphotos://

Credentials - OAuth2

Google Photos uses secure delegated access (OAuth2) authentication.
To enter credentials in the Server Account settings (Browse dialog), click "Sign In with Google."
Google will then ask in the default web browser whether to allow GoodSync to access it.
Approve it, and then GoodSync will be able to Sync with Google Photos.

Picture Files Only: It is possible to sync only picture format files (JPEG) with Google Photos.
Use a one-way sync (backup) Job with Google Photos storage set as a source.
Check the "No _gsdata_ folder here" option in "Job" >> "Options" >> "Left/Right Side" for the Google Photos side, as GoodSync state files are not allowed in Google Photos too.

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Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

Google Cloud Storage server.
URL format: gcp://

This is an object storage File System that uses native JSON API.

Credentials - OAuth2

GCS uses secure delegated access (OAuth2) authentication.
To enter credentials in the Server Account settings (Browse dialog), click "Sign In with Google."
Google will then ask in the default web browser whether to allow GoodSync to access it.
Approve it, and then GoodSync will get access to your GCS storage.

Cloud Resource Manager must be activated, or project-id must be specified in the Initial Path.

Upload Chunks of Large File in Parallel threads

If not zero, upload chunks of large files in this many parallel threads.
If zero, upload chunks of large files sequentially.

Preferred Region

Preferred Region for new buckets.
Default is us-east-1

Google Cloud Storage via S3 (GCS S3)

Google Cloud Storage server via S3 protocol.
URL format: gcs://

This is an object storage File System similar to Amazon S3.
Uses Amazon S3-like XML API.

The HMAC Access Key and HMAC Secret are always required.
Obtained from Google Cloud Console >> "Cloud Storage" >> "Settings" >> "Inseparability."

Enter the Bucket Name and (optionally) a sync folder within it in the "Initial path" field, like so: /bucket/folder1/folder2

Bucket Name must comply with the Google Cloud Storage bucket naming rules.

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Apple iCloud Drive

Apple iCloud Drive online storage.
URL format: icloud://

Credentials: The UserID and Password are always required.
These are the Apple ID Email Address and Password.

New Apple Account: If employing a new Apple ID account,
you must SignIn with the Apple ID to any Apple device, before using iCloud Drive in GoodSync.

Multi-factor authentication

After clicking Save or Test button in the Server Account,
an OTP (2FA) code will be sent to the devices authorized with the Apple ID.
Alternatively, an OTP code can be sent via SMS by clicking "Send OTP code via SMS."
Enter the code received in the "Enter your 2FA code" field, and click "OK."

China iCloud Servers

If checked, use China iCloud Servers.
If unchecked, use standard US/Euro iCloud Servers.

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Apple iCloud Photos

Apple iCloud Photos online storage.
URL format: iphotos://

Credentials: The UserID and Password are always required.
These are the Apple ID Email Address and Password.

Only JPEG: Only JPEG media format is allowed for uploading to iCloud Photos.

No _gsdata_: The "No _gsdata_ folder here" option must be checked
for the iCloud Photos side in "Job" >> "Options" >> "Left/Right Side."

Multi-factor authentication

After clicking Save or Test button in the Server Account,
an OTP (2FA) code will be sent to the devices authorized with the Apple ID.
Alternatively, an OTP code can be sent via SMS by clicking "Send OTP code via SMS."
Enter the code received in the "Enter your 2FA code" field, and click "OK."

China iCloud Servers

If checked, use China iCloud Servers.
If unchecked, use standard US/Euro iCloud Servers.

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Amazon S3

Amazon S3 server (default) or non-Amazon S3 server.

URL format: s3s://

Credentials: The AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key are always required.
Get them from Amazon S3 Console >> "Account name" >> "Security credentials" >> "Access keys."

Initial path: Enter the AWS bucket name and maybe a sync folder within it, like so: /mybucket/folder1/folder2.

The bucket name must NOT be entered in the Server Address field like so: s3s://

The Bucket Name must comply with the S3 bucket naming rules.

S3 Storage Model in GoodSync