APRIL SALE! 25% off new GoodSync subscriptions. Offer ends April 30. BUY NOW


GoodSync 幫助您輕鬆備份及同步檔案。我們的檔案備份與同步軟體簡單可靠,確保您再也不會遺失檔案。
立即下載 GoodSync 免費版。

GoodSync for Server OS

備份及同步 Windows 和 Linux 伺服器上的資料。容易使用的無介入服務,完全自動化,可以選擇多個目的地。

備 受 信 賴

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1.安裝 GoodSync

在 Windows、MAC、LINUX 或 NAS 平台進行下載及安裝。前 30 天可免費試用 GoodSync 進階功能。

Create your first GoodSync job

2.建立您的第一個 GoodSync 作業

建立並命名您的第一個 GoodSync 作業,然後選取單向備份或雙向同步。



找到您要備份或同步的檔案,然後選取目的地。GoodSync 支援所有主流通訊協定和雲端服務。

Select source and destination folders
Choose your automation option


使用即時、定期或排程的自動化選項,自動處理您的 GoodSync 作業。您的檔案再也不會遺失,從此高枕無憂。



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  • GetApp
    “GoodSync is one of the most complete solutions for selective backups and folder sync across local networks...”

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  • “We highly recommend this file synchronization tool for all user levels.”

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  • “GoodSync is one of the nicest-looking and easiest-to-use of the dozen or so sync programs tested.”

    pc world logo
  • “GoodSync is the Godzilla of syncing programs, and I mean that in the best possible way.”

    computerworld logo
  • “GoodSync is an easy to use program which provides you with peace of mind knowing that your data is secure and that you will always have a backup available. If you`ve been considering a program that will backup and keep your work synchronized - GoodSync is well worth trying.”

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