GoodSync for Thecus NAS
GoodSync for Thecus NAS is installed directly on the NAS.
It serves files to GoodSync clients in a fast and efficient manner:
* you do not need a separate computer to get to files on NAS via SMB,
* block-level delta copy works properly,
* upload and download are much faster as there is no SMB overhead.
Installation Instructions
Current version is 12.8.1.
Lookup model of your NAS:
Download installer file GoodSyncServer-thecus-XXX.mod to your Downloads folder:
Login to Thecus web user inteface by typing into your browser:
where 192.168.1.NN is local IP address of your NAS, you should know it already.
You also have to know UserId and Password of Thecus device.
Enter Control Panel (gear icon on the top left) .
Click [3rd party App] in Application Server section.
Select file GoodSyncServer-thecus-XXX.mod from your Downloads folder.
Click [Install]
Enable GoodSync Server for NAS App, by clicking "Play" icon in Action column.
Click application name -- You will see Initial Setup dialog of GoodSync Server.
You can also get to it in your browser by navigating to http://192.168.1.NN:11000
where 192.168.1.NN is local net IP address of your Thecus NAS.
You will see Initial Setup dialog of GoodSync Server.
Enter your GoodSync Connect UserID and Password.
Now your GoodSync Server on NAS will become visible on the Internet and Local Net.
You can see it in GoodSync Explorer, and upload/download/sync files with it.
The entire file system of Linux-based NAS is visible to you, so may see some unfamiliar files.
Version News
Current version is 12.8.1.
To update GoodSync Server to the latest version,
perform Manual Install of the new version over the old version.